Friday, May 18, 2007


The Iraq war always lies at the bottom of a daily stack of worries in my mind. But, when I do think about it, usually as a result of, my face flushes, my breath shortens, and my skin tingles. Lately, I've been purging this anger and frustration with the help of Rage Against The Machine, Americana rocker James McMurtry, and Oakland metal group Totimoshi. Each artist(s) has spoken out against this administration and the war, either in their lyrics or publicly.

I saw a great bumper sticker today. It said: "Forget Iraq. Rebuild New Orleans." It's exactly how I feel. How much easier is to play G.I. Joe and the hero than to actually do the less glamorous job of dealing with domestic poverty, outsourcing, and the public school system, not to mention New Orleans, which is still struggling? Do I even need to say that? Are you people fucking clueless? Have you come down from Washington and looked at this place lately? FUCK!!!

We can't afford to police the world with so many problems at home. Why let fear get the best of us and be so pre-emptive about the terror concern? It's not about that, is it, though? It's about the oil, and meanwhile, our citizens, our boys, are dying over there, one by one, day by day. And there's no end in sight.

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